Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

Case Management

What is Case Management?

Clients get help to keep medical care. Clients work with a case manager. Case managers may be a registered nurse or a master-level social worker.

Case management has the following options:
  • Community. Improve connections to services and support.
  • Medical. Support health needs and answer questions.
  • Advice. Adherence counseling to stay with treatment plan.
All case management programs include:
  • Talk about living with HIV
  • Help with forms and medical papers from providers.
  • Help with paying. Advice on financial counseling.
  • How you feel about HIV. Get counseling and education.
  • What to eat. Ask about Nutrition Services.
  • Get connected. Get access to other clinics and services.
How can you help your case manager?
  • Be active about your care. Be ready with questions to ask.
  • Take your prescribed medications as directed!
  • Be ready when you visit Parkland financial services. Supply the documents to remain current: income, residence, picture ID.
  • Ask your case manager about your eligibility two times a year, during your birthday month and six months after.
Keep your appointments
Whether medical, financial or case management, please keep your appointments. To schedule or change your appointment, use Parkland MyChart, the online patient portal. Log in or sign up for MyChart. For other service appointments, call your case manager after to tell how the service went. Stay connected. Tell us what you need for your care.

What to bring
Come prepared to complete forms by bringing eligibility documents, if available. All new clients visit a case manager at least three times: once at your intake visit, at your six-month update visit and at your annual update visit. Updates include changes in medical care, funding resources and/or changes in prescription coverage. Get the care you need.

Annual contact
After the first-year clients should contact a case manager twice a year. Or when there is a change to your medical care, funding resources and/or changes in prescription coverage. Call a case manager any time to connect you to answers.

Case Management Referrals

We encourage you to become familiar with the services available to you. Services may be direct from Parkland or may require a referral from a case manager. If you do not have an assigned case manager, you may request one to assist you at any time. Questions specifically for case management; email or call 214-590-5679.

Contact your case manager for a referral to these services:

Support groups
Meet with positive and supportive people. Ask a case manager to connect you today. Find the support group that fits you. Or ask about individual counseling services.

Housing Assistance Services
Housing services prepare people to gain or keep medical care. Housing services may consist of short-term aid, temporary, or transitional housing.

Transportation Services
Eligible individuals can access medical transportation services. This includes transportation to HIV-related health and support services needed to keep you in HIV medical care. Transportation may be direct transportation, vouchers or tokens.

Dental Services
Oral health is a part of overall health. A healthy mouth with a full set of healthy teeth allows you to eat properly. Mouth pain, tooth pain and missing or broken teeth can make eating painful. You need to take in enough calories, nutrients and vitamins to keep a healthy diet.

Besides making it hard to eat, not having care on our teeth could lead to infection. Poor oral hygiene could create fungal, bacterial and viral infections that can affect the entire body. As a person living with HIV, your immune system may be too weak to fight off serious illnesses such as mouth ulcers, gum disease and tooth decay.

You can prevent oral health issues by following a few oral hygiene techniques:
  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Floss your teeth daily
  • Keep appointments for regular dental exams and cleanings
  • Try antimicrobial mouth rinses
Ask your case manager about your oral health needs. Read below for typical questions asked.

Sample oral health screening questions:
  • When was the last time you saw a dentist?
  • Do you have a regular dentist?
  • How often do you brush your teeth?
  • Times per day
  • Times per week
  • Times per month
  • Times per year
  • Do you have a toothbrush?
  • Do you have dentures?
  • Do you have one or more dental bridges?
  • Have you ever had any oral conditions, illnesses or diseases?
  • Are you currently receiving treatment?
  • Do you have pain, sensitivity or other discomfort eating, drinking or taking medicines?
  • Have you noticed any changes in your teeth, gums or elsewhere in your mouth?