Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

Community Outreach

Trauma Injury Prevention

Traumatic injuries are the leading cause of death in the first four decades of life, accounting for millions of dollars in treatment and disability costs. The treatment is to prevent injury or death from occurring. Trauma center staff work with partner organizations and agencies to ensure that Dallas residents and visitors receive the best care possible, but even more importantly, have a safe place to live, work, learn and play.

The Rees-Jones Trauma Center at Parkland has provided care for over 8,000 injured people this past year. The most common causes for the injuries are falls, motor vehicle crashes and assaults. The Trauma Center at Parkland utilizes the Spectrum of Prevention as a framework for its injury prevention initiatives. Through strengthening an individual’s knowledge and skills, promoting community education, educating providers, fostering coalitions and networks, changing organizational practices, and influencing policy and legislation, a complementary and synergist approach to injury prevention is created.

Contact us for more information on how to bring our educational programs into your community. The Rees-Jones Trauma Center at Parkland offers these injury prevention programs:

Safe Teen/Young Adult Driving

Per mile driven, teen drivers (ages 16 to 19) are nearly three times more likely than young adult drivers (aged 20 and older) to be in a fatal crash. The goal of this program is to increase awareness and knowledge of teens and young adults regarding five at-risk circumstances of driving: nighttime driving, drinking then driving, driving with passengers, driving when unbelted, and driving while using cell phones.

Having conversations between a parent and their teen can go a long way in helping to facilitate smart driving decisions. Consider a Parent-Teen Driving Agreement.

Older Adult Safety

Falling is NOT an inevitable result of aging. Since 2012, there has been a 39% increase in the number of deaths associated with a fall. Knowing your fall risk is an important step in preventing future falls. Talk with your healthcare provider regarding the results to your individual fall risk assessment.  Check Your Risk for Falling and Prevention.

Three Things You Can Do to Prevent Falls:

1. Speak Up: Talk openly with your healthcare provider about fall risks and prevention. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to review your medications, including prescription, over-the-counter, and herbal/vitamin supplements.
2. Keep Moving: Begin an exercise program to improve your strength and balance.
3. Make Your Home Safer: Remove clutter and tripping hazards. Complete a home safety assessment to find options for improving home safety.


The STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries) program is an initiative which includes educational materials and tools to improve fall prevention.

Stop the Bleed®

The Bleeding Control (B-Con) course is intended to provide community members, who have little or no medical training, with the knowledge and skills to provide basic trauma care and hemorrhage control prior to arrival of emergency medical services. Through lecture and hands-on skill stations, B-Con teaches participants basic life-saving medical interventions, including identification of life-threatening bleeding and hemorrhage control through application of direct pressure, wound packing, or use of a tourniquet. Targeted students are any individuals who may find themselves in a situation where they may be called upon to assist with trauma patients such as teachers, taxicab drivers, train station attendants, and employees of large public venues such as stadiums, theme parks, or shopping malls.

For Stop the Bleed training at your location, email us at

Additional Programs/Events

The Rees-Jones Trauma Center at Parkland is able to provide a variety of injury prevention programs and initiatives to fit the needs of your organization. Topics may include holiday safety, recreational/sports safety, traumatic brain injury prevention, burn prevention, and prevention of violence. Contact us for more information.

Trauma Educational Programs

With more than two decades experience as a trauma center, Parkland has brought together experts in nursing, trauma surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery and other specialties to manage the most complicated injuries.

The management of the traumatically injured person requires an inclusive system of care. The Rees-Jones Trauma Center at Parkland is dedicated to providing trauma education to trauma centers, community hospitals, and prehospital agencies throughout north central Texas. In addition to regional activities, the Rees-Jones Trauma Center at Parkland makes available trauma education statewide, nationally, and internationally. Physicians and nursing personnel travel to outlying areas to provide educational lectures and programs to health care providers. The Rees-Jones Trauma Center at Parkland strives to be a community of mentors and leaders for the health care professional dedicated to providing care to the traumatically injured patient in optimizing care.

The Trauma Center at Parkland is committed to excellence in teaching, practice, and service to Parkland Health & Hospital System and the patients it serves.

Educational programs include:

  • Advanced Trauma Life Support
  • Advanced Trauma Care for Nurse
  • Trauma Nursing Core Course
  • Emergency Nurse Pediatric Course
  • Prehospital Trauma Life Support
  • Trauma Outcomes Performance Improvement Course

Specific topics are available upon request. Contact us for how to bring professional education to your organization or area.