Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

Breastfeeding Classes

At Parkland, we encourage breastfeeding because it is best for you and your baby. Studies show that breastfeeding will:

  • Help your baby grow normally
  • Protect your baby from many illnesses
  • Help you lose weight faster and feel better

Our certified lactation consultants can visit your room after your baby is born. This free service will allow us to help you with any questions or concerns about breastfeeding while you are still in the hospital. Talk to your nurse to schedule a visit with a certified lactation consultant.

Learn more about how breastfeeding helps you and your baby at

Skin-to-skin hugs

Skin-to-skin care is an important part of breastfeeding. As soon as possible after delivery, your baby will be placed skin to skin on your chest. Skin-to-skin care helps:

  • Regulate the baby’s temperature and breathing
  • Your body produce more milk
  • Increase bonding by giving you time to greet your baby. New dads are also encouraged to hold their new baby skin to skin.