Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

Student Placement

Parkland offers a comprehensive spectrum of services including primary care and advanced specialty care. Within these programs, your students will be working with some of the profession's most accomplished individuals. These leaders can help your students learn the challenges in treatment, changes in health care delivery systems, new technologies, and increasing patient acuity.

Background Information

In support of Parkland's vision to define the standards of excellence for public academic health systems, Parkland encourages learning and fosters future health care team members. As part of this effort, Parkland coordinates with universities across the country to provide opportunities for students in a professional healthcare environment. * This opportunity provides students exclusive, first-hand access to clinical experiences and the overall healthcare profession. Students who are interested can contact the internship coordinator at their respective school for more information about this program.


*Please Note: Parkland does not place students directly for rotations, please contact your respective school for placement inquiries at Parkland.

Career Observation Program

The Career Observation Program provides individuals the opportunity to shadow medical professionals. Observers witness firsthand the work environment, occupation in practice, the value of professional training, and potential career options. The experience is designed to increase career awareness, fulfill education/application requirements and model behavior through example. Find more information about the program here.