Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

What to bring

Documents you should bring to help determine the financial support for which you may qualify:

Proof of your healthcare diagnosis
Please provide one-time only (unless diagnosed at Parkland):
  • A lab report of detectable HIV viral load that includes your name and the testing facility;
  • A signed statement from a physician, physician’s assistant, or advanced practice provider attesting to your HIV diagnosis;
  • A hospital discharge summary that documents the diagnosis status and includes your name; or
  • A confirmatory HIV positive laboratory result (Western Blot, IFA, NAAT, Multispot HIV-1/HIV-2 Rapid Test [Bio-Rad] or a detectable HIV RNA) that includes your name and the testing facility.
Proof of residency within the Dallas and/or Sherman/Denison area
Please bring one of the following in your name:
  • A valid Texas driver’s license or Texas state identification card. Your address should be within the Dallas or Sherman/Dennison area;
  • A current voter registration card;
  • Mortgage or lease agreement with a Texas address within the Dallas or Sherman/Dennison area. The first and last page of an executed lease is usually acceptable.
  • A receipt or documentation from the landlord, dated within the last 30 days, showing residence or month-to-month lease;
  • One household bill with your name and address (including residential or cell phone bill) delivered within the last 30 days;
  • A signed statement dated within the last 30 days from you indicating homelessness or have a non-traditional living arrangement, like an institution or homeless shelter;
  • Release paperwork from a correctional facility documenting a local address within the Dallas area and/or Sherman/Denison area;
  • One article of personal mail with your name and address, postmarked within the last 30 days;
  • One article of business or bulk mail, with your name and address, delivered in the last 30 days; a postmarked envelope is not needed if the business name, date sent and the client’s name and address are shown, or;
  • Pay stubs dated within the last 30 days that have your home address on them.
Proof of income
Please bring a current IRS Tax Statement. Also, bring paperwork like:
  • Child support statements;
  • Alimony statements;
  • Current award letter like Social Security Income; retirement, survivors or disability insurance;
  • Veteran Affairs or pension granting benefits for current year;
  • Most recent bank statement that shows deposit and source of money within the last 30 days. This can be electronic bank statements obtained online.;
  • Payroll check stubs to verify the last 30 days of income, or
  • Letter or verbal communication within the last 30 days from an employer showing payment and amount of wages
  • List of cash payment or assistance from family within the last 30 days; or
  • Signed statement showing you received cash payments for labor.