Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

Parkland in the Community

The Community Relations Department aims to bridge Parkland to the community through outreach efforts that promote Parkland’s mission while also meeting area health care needs. We are always looking for opportunities to provide services and health education in the community.

Community Calendar

Parkland provides a variety of clinical and educational outreach services at local events. To find an upcoming event in your area, view the Parkland Community Calendar.

Community Events

Would you like Parkland to provide services at your next community event? Visit Community Events for more information and to access our Community Event Request Form.

Speakers Bureau

Interested in having a health care professional speak at your next event? Our staff experts can present on a variety of topics, from diabetes to public health policy. Go to Parkland Speakers Bureau for more information and to request a speaker.

Is your school interested in having a Parkland team member present on health care careers? Visit our Putting the care in Career program to fill out an application.

Contact Us

For more information about Community Relations, contact:
Angela Morris
Community Relations Director