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Parkland Health nurses recognized for their many contributions

Parkland Health nurses recognized for their many contributions

Nurses among Great 100 and D Magazine Excellence in Nursing Awards

Sixteen registered nurses at Parkland Health have been recognized by two organizations for providing high-quality, safe and compassionate care as well as their dedication to serving the Dallas County community.

Three of the nurses are among those honored as 2025 Dallas/Fort Worth Great 100 Nurses. The program has been celebrating nursing excellence for 35 years, honoring nurses from all practice areas including acute care, sub-acute care, school nursing, nurse leaders, academics and more. In addition, Remigio Acevedo, BSN, RN, CCRN, was named the recipient of the Graduate Nurse Scholarship by the Great 100.

The Parkland nurses recognized include:

  • Megan Bennett, BSN, RN, SCRN, CCRN, Cardiovascular ICU
  • Orlando Flores, BSN, RN, CCRN, SBRN, Burn ICU
  • Sarah Gartner, BSN, RN, CPHRM, PCAPP & Nursing Research

The Great 100 Nurses celebration raises the awareness of the contributions of nurses to patient care, research, leadership, education and community service of nurses practicing in the DFW area.

In addition, the celebration builds the image of nursing through positive reinforcement of the profession as a scientific art and the recognition of those who exemplify excellence. In addition, 15 registered nurses at Parkland have been named winners of the 2025 D Magazine Excellence in Nursing Awards, which are designed to shine a spotlight on the unsung heroes of healthcare. Physicians, nurses and patients nominated the most outstanding nurses in North Texas for recognition.

Honored as winners in their categories are:

  • Remigio Acevedo, BSN, RN, CCRN, Surgical Trauma ICU
  • Myra Bluiett, BSN, RN, Neuroscience Acute Care Unit
  • Orlando Flores, BSN, RN, CCRN, CBRN, Burn ICU
  • Sobha Fuller, DNP, RN, AMB-BC, NEA-BC, Ambulatory Clinic Operations & Correctional Health
  • Sarah Gartner, BSN, RN, CPH-RM, PCAPP & Nursing Research
  • Marygrace Hernandez-Levielle, PhD, APRN, ACNP-BC, PCCAP & Nursing Research
  • Darlene Madriz, BSN, RNC-OB, Women & Infant’s Specialty Health
  • Leigh Ann Martin, MSN, APRN, CPNP-C, Newborn APRNs
  • Joyce Miller, DNP, APRN, WHNP-BC, Women & Infant’s Specialty Health
  • Katie Portillo-Ramirez, BSN, RN, CCRN, Burn ICU
  • Halana Rideau, MSN, APRN, FNP, L&D Triage, Women & Infant’s Specialty Health
  • Sheila Sims, BSN, RN, Nursing Administration
  • Michelle Steiner, BSN, RN, SCRN, Medicine Services Administration
  • Donna Summerville, MSN, RN, Population Health – Ambulatory Specialties Clinics
  • Jordan Wilson, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, MEDSURG-BC, Clinical Education & Academic Partnerships

An article highlighting the Excellence in Nursing Awards is featured in the March 2025 edition of D Magazine.

“Recognizing our nurses is an integral part of creating an inspiring and supportive environment that fosters high-quality, compassionate care,” said Donna Richardson, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, Executive Vice President and Chief Nursing Executive. “Parkland always has a focus on patient safety and quality care and I’m so thankful for the amazing nurses we have caring for our patients and bettering the health of our community.”

More than 3,600 nurses are currently employed system-wide at Parkland, serving patients in inpatient, outpatient and Dallas County Jail facilities. They provide vital care in specialties ranging from primary care to anesthesiology, oncology, emergency services, labor and delivery, behavioral health, diabetes, neurology, cardiology and many more.

For more information on the Dallas/Fort Worth Great 100 Nurses, visit To learn more about becoming a part of Parkland’s nursing team, go to
