Mobile Immunization Van
Parkland’s Population Health division offers a mobile vaccination clinic that travels around Dallas County to areas with low childhood immunization rates, offering all CDC-recommended childhood vaccines.
The mobile immunization van is available to provide vaccine services upon request and availability to children 18 years of age or younger.
The mobile unit is equipped with an exam table and a medical-grade refrigerator and freezer to safely transport and store vaccines, which allows for community outreach events of up to 6 hours.
Request Guidelines
- Request should be made at least three weeks in advance to allow host to meet registration criteria.
- The mobile unit is available for health fairs and community events. The mobile unit can also be set up at neighborhood locations such as schools, retail stores, recreation centers, faith-based and community sites.
- Host site will provide staff and client access to a restroom.
- Once site is confirmed host must provide location and five assigned parking spaces for the mobile van to park.
- Host must be responsible for outreach in the community to meet criteria.
- Due to demand for services, host site must provide a minimum of 30 children that meet the criteria below.
- Services are provided on a first come, first served basis.
- We reserve the right to limit the number of children seen due to volume and time constraints.
- Immunizations provided are for qualified children ONLY; eligibility is based on Texas Vaccines for Children Program guidelines
*18 years of age or younger (No exceptions)
*American Indian or Alaskan Native
*Enrolled in Medicaid
*No health insurance
- Children under 18 years of age MUST have parental consent forms signed and present the child’s immunization record.
- Please allow us five business days to respond to your request.
To schedule the mobile immunization program, please submit a mobile immunization application. Participation in your event is based on staff availability.
*If you would like to request additional Parkland education and resources at your event, please visit our community health fair page.
Please review the following documents and consent forms for the mobile immunization program.
- Children under 18 years old:
- Adults over 18 years old:
Inquiries? Contact