Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

Family Planning and Reproductive Services

Parkland’s Family Planning and Reproductive Services seeks to improve the health and well-being of adults and youth in Dallas County by providing access to quality family planning services and reproductive health education. In addition, the team attends community events, health fairs, reproductive health conferences, schools, college campuses and community-based organizations to better reach Dallas County residents.

Who we serve

We serve for adults and youth who desire access to education about health, reproduction, sexuality, preconception counseling and birth control. Federal and state funding is available to receive services at low or no cost for those who qualify.

Services provided

Services include physical examinations, screening pap smears, screening mammograms, testing for sexually transmitted infections and HIV, pregnancy testing, counseling and education about birth control, preconception and nutrition immunizations, diabetes and cholesterol screening. Mental health counseling is also available. Parkland’s Youth & Family Clinics offer reproductive health services for males ages 21 and under.

Birth control offered

  • Birth control pills
  • Depo (the shot)
  • Hormonal implants
  • Hormonal rings
  • Intrauterine devices (IUD)
  • Male condoms
  • Tubal ligation (women)
  • Vasectomy (men)

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