Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

FLU DRIVE at deHaro-Saldivar Health Center

Saturday, October 7, 2023 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

el Centro de Salud deHaro-Saldivar
1400 N. Westmoreland Road
Dallas, TX 75211

Stop The Flu Before It Stops You! / Detén La Gripe Antes De Que Te Detenga A Ti!

Open to the Community - Flu Shots/ Abierto a la Comunidad - Vacuna De La Gripe

No Appointment needed! Wear a mask. / ¡No es necesario que tenga una cita! Utilice máscara.

For more information about the flu, please visit / Para obtener más información sobre la gripe, visite

For more information, visit