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Parkland Emergency Department, Rees-Jones Trauma Center staff recognized

Parkland Emergency Department, Rees-Jones Trauma Center staff recognized

Honored with state’s 2016 Preparedness Leadership Award

The staff of Parkland Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Department and Rees-Jones Trauma Center have received the 2016 Texas Preparedness Leadership Award for “Outstanding Service in Response to the 2016 Dallas Police Shootings.”

The award is given annually in recognition of exceptionally meritorious achievements in local, regional or state Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Healthcare Systems Preparedness Programs or for meritorious service in a disaster or public health emergency. The award was presented at the 2016 Preparedness Coalition Symposium held Oct. 12-14 in Galveston.

It honors leadership in creative work of particular effectiveness or innovation in advancing Texas public health and/or healthcare systems preparedness knowledge and practice

As the first Level I Trauma Center in North Texas, Parkland staff is ready 24/7/365 to treat any patient with any type of illness or injury who comes through the doors. They showed that professionalism on Thursday, July 7, 2016 when seven shooting victims of a gunman targeting law enforcement officers in downtown Dallas at a peaceful protest march were rushed to Parkland.

While the city, state and indeed, the nation focused on those who were senselessly gunned down, Parkland physicians, nurses, support personnel and others too numerous to mention were busy caring for the nearly 300 additional patients in the main emergency department and Urgent Care Emergency Center.

“Despite the tragedy that unfolded the night of July 7, Dallas saw the best of humanity when our city came together to support the Dallas Police Department and Dallas Area Rapid Transit officers, private citizens and their families during this senseless act of violence,” said Fred Cerise, MD, MPH, Parkland’s President & Chief Executive Officer.

“I am most proud of our Emergency Department and Rees-Jones Trauma staff, as well as the rest of the Parkland staff who, in the hours and days following the shooting, were determined to honor the value of all human life,” Dr. Cerise said.

For information about Parkland services, please visit
