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5 Tips to prepare for your next mammogram

5 Tips to prepare for your next mammogram

Getting routine screening mammograms is an important part of maintaining your overall health and protecting yourself from breast cancer. Early detection and treatment are the keys to surviving breast cancer. Women aged 40 and older should get a screening mammogram every year. Most things go better with a little preparation, and mammograms are no exception. Here are 5 tips on how to prepare for your next mammogram:

  1. Bring your ID and insurance information
  2. Wear a two-piece outfit
  3. Leave any jewelry at home
  4. Skip wearing deodorant
  5. Complete any paperwork ahead of your appointment if possible

Don’t put off your mammogram. A mammogram is the best way to find breast cancer as early as possible. Parkland’s Comprehensive Breast Center offers mammogram screenings. To set up an appointment, call 214-266-3333. For more information visit,